Attorney Melissa Averett of Averett Family Law attended the June Australian and Maltese International Family Law Conference in Sliema, Malta, where she presented a session on Trauma-Informed Legal Representation. The three-day international family law conference was attended by attorneys from the United States, Australia, and Malta.

“I was honored to be invited to present at the conference in Malta with speakers like Dr. Robert Simon and Minister Dr. Michael Falzon,” says Averett. “International family law has so many facets, and attending these global events opens up an entirely new perspective to the practice of family law. I look forward to collaborating with my international colleagues at future events.” In addition to her regular practice, Averett is on the NC Bar Executive Committee of the Family Law Council and chairs the Domestic Violence Issues Committee. Averett also speaks on family law issues locally and internationally.

The Australian and Maltese International Family Law Conference was opened by Minister Dr. Michael Falzon, LLS, MP, of the Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights, and Social Solidarity, and Maltese Parliament. In addition to Melissa Averett’s session, Robert A. Simon, Ph.D., also spoke at the event. Dr. Simon is a national leader in expert Forensic Psychology Consulting with an exclusive focus on child custody and family law related issues, especially in high conflict divorce. A question and answer panel included The Hon. Madam Justice Abigail Lofaro, President of the Family Section of the Civil Court, and The Hon. Mr. Justice Anthony Vella, Civil Court, Family Section, Courts of Malta. More on the event can be found here: