Separation & Divorce

Our legal team is here to help, from your initial decision to separate through all aspects of the process to finalize your divorce in Chatham, Orange, Durham, and Lee Counties. Our team also has strong experience with “silver” divorces (ages 50+) and military divorces.

Child Custody & Support

When minor children are involved, it is important to have strong legal representation to protect your rights and those of your children. Our team can represent you in child custody and child support cases, including enforcement. We also work closely with grandparents to help them understand their options in custody cases.

Family Law Contracts

Divorce and custody cases are settled with legally binding contracts to cover things like the terms of separation, child custody, and child support. Our team will work with you to create contacts around post-separation support, alimony, and equitable distribution of marital property. We are also here to help with enforcement of these agreements. 

Estate Planning

Just as when you marry, it is important when separating or divorcing that you update your estate plans accordingly. Our skilled team is here to help with all your estate plans, including wills, powers of attorney, healthcare powers of attorney, trusts, special needs trusts, custody protection estate plans, and more.

Personal Injury & Protective Orders

Sadly, not all partners are supportive of each other. Our team is experienced in cases that involve domestic violence protection orders, assault and battery, negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress, and civil no contact orders. 

Estate Administration & Guardianship

Our estate planning attorneys are also available to assist with trust administration, estate proceedings, probate, special needs trusts, and guardianships.