Intentional Infliction of
Emotional Distress

Physical harm is not the only way we can harmed. Emotional distress can be equally as damaging and have long-term consequences to our health. If your spouse or partner does not physically hit you but acts in an “extreme and outrageous” fashion that results in severe emotional distress, you may have a civil claim against him or her. If your spouse or partner constantly screams at you, belittles you (alone or in front of friends and family), or threatens you, your children, pets, employment, etc., you may be in an emotionally abusive relationship.

Symptoms to Watch For

According to WebMD, when stress becomes your “standard” it is time to watch for symptoms of emotional distress. These may include trouble sleeping, overeating or lack of appetite, chronic fatigue, memory problems, or social withdrawal.

Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress

Negligent infliction of emotional distress is also a civil tort with legal remedies. Negligence is carelessness. If your spouse or partner, for example, takes an action in your presence – for example, destroys your irreplaceable childhood photos or harms your pet while you are helpless to prevent the action – he or she may be guilty of negligent infliction of emotional distress.

Negligent and Intentional infliction of emotional distress are torts (or wrongful actions) with legal consequences. If you are suffering from severe emotional distress as a result of a spouse or partner’s actions, take steps to protect yourself, then contact the attorneys at Averett Family Law to learn your rights.

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