Marital Torts:
Assault and Battery

We might like to assume those who claim to love us would never hurt us. Unfortunately, the statistics say otherwise. Every minute in the U.S. an estimated 20 people – both women and men – are physically abused by an intimate partner. Domestic violence, including assault and battery, crosses all genders, races, ages, and socio-economic groups.

Marital Torts

The general definition of assault is an attempt or intent to cause physical harm. Battery is causing physical harm or touching someone without their permission (unlawfully). In North Carolina, assault and battery are both “torts” or wrongful acts, punishable under the law. When these happen within a marriage, they are referred to as marital torts.

It's against the law

Assault and battery is a crime. There are several levels of assault and battery ranging from misdemeanors to felonies depending on the severity of the injury/threat, the age of the individuals, whether a deadly weapon (knife, gun, etc.) was used, and other factors.

If you have been harmed or threatened with harm by your spouse or partner, there are legal remedies available to you. Within a relationship, a domestic violence protective order may prevent further abuse; outside of a personal relationship, a civil no-contact order is needed.

Take steps to protect yourself (and children, if you have any), then contact the attorneys at Averett Family Law; we are here to help.

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